Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

.the beginning.

g: HEY!
I've wanted to write this in a while. but I was kinda lazy till today. ^^

haha.nothing more. Just the same old stories @ skul.
Except there was a PREFECTS' INVESTITURE today. hehehe

HAHA.the prefects were asked, me included to go to the hall after lunch. ( hehehehe, efficient way of skipping classes.) nothing new in class, just more. and more, and more tests coming right around the corner what JOY! it is...

aneeways, it's r's turn ^^

r: hey guyz. it's quite late right now at about 11.43 PM but I'm still typing. Woww! I'm surprised that I'm actually THIS dedicated to blogging. LOL
Just like what g said, we had our Prefects' Investiture today.
It's pretty boring to the other student (I'm actually sure about that),
but it's really an honorable thing for us prefects (i'm not saying this just because i'm a prefect)=]

Nothing interesting happened today (as usual).
It can be said that.. my life's boring.
When I read comics and look at the characters,
I actually envy them sometimes. Their lives seem to be full of fun and surprises, the exact opposite of mine.
I wonder, when is my life ever going to change?

oh yeah,
I had my theory lesson today.
It was awkward since there was a new 'student'.
Should I mention that she looks or maybe is so old, that she could even be mistaken for my grandma?
She was so thin that her bones seemed to be protruding out of her body.
urghhhh. I wouldn't wanna be like that when i grow old for sure.

enough typing for today,
my hands and wrists are getting sore already=P
I'm going to join my mom to watch 'heroes'.
Oh,how I love THAT series.

Sweet Dreams Everyone,

r n g

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