Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008

i lurve HSM3


the movie was simply A-M-A-ZING!!
it was a grand finale to the HSM trequel.
The last song they sang together was called 'High School Musical' and it was the final conclusion of the movie.
For those of you who haven't watched to the movie yet,
I wouldn't wanna spoil your curiousity by telling what happened in the movie.
The only thing I can tell you is that all the Main Characters in the movie such as Gabriella,Troy, Taylor n etc. will end up in amazing colleges/universities.

I'm just waiting for the Original Soundtrack to appear in the Stores so I can grab 'em and listen to the songs every moment,every day.lolxx.

oh yeah,
Gabriella and Troy look really2x good together.
there's nothing new to that since both of them are already DATING.
not to mention, Vanessa and Zac are soon gonna move in together.
lolxx. What a perfect Couple=]

okay then.
i got to go now. I'm going to hunt for HSM3 songs from the limewire.haha2.
it's free^^


Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008



it's r here.
I'm feeling kinda depressed here since i lost someone else's autographed book.
(not to mention that the 'someone else' refers to my principal of my school)

I don't think I misplaced his book, I knew exactly where I had kept it, but it's nowhere to be seen at the place where it's supposed to be on. urgghhh!!
all I wanted to do was put the  book in a corner of my bookshelf so that it wouldn't be destroyed or torn. So, before the holidays I kept it on the bookshelves of my study room. When my mom said that the principal was asking for his book back, I searched all over my study room, only to find out that it wasn't there anymore. Now, I don't know what to do. A part of me wants to tell my principal the truth and just accept the reality that I am IRRESPONSIBLE but there's this part of me so timid and embarrassed to tell the truth since my principal had warned me NOT TO LOSE THAT BOOK. I simply don't know.
help me please??

all day at school today,
i couldn't stop thinking about the missing book. I was in a sour mood all day long,but my friends didn't seem to notice that. When I told them about how stressed I was, they didn't pretty much care about maybe, a person has to go through a similar set of events in order to feel how irritated and anxious right now.
i felt guilty of not taking care of the book properly.=[
as soon as I reached home,
I continued my search for the book and was Disappointed later to find out that the search was of no use. It was all in vain, the book has disappeared and it's all because of my irresponsibility.

I don't know what to do now.
please tell me..

desperately in need of advice,

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

R rules =]

r: woohoo! it's saturday again!!

time flies. don't you agree?

It was monday when I went back 2 school after the holidays and it's back to Saturday again.

How I love Weekends=]

I just got back from the dentist earlier today. My sister and I spent so much money on maintaining our braces that sometimes I ask myself: is it worth the money??

Now,i'm back home doing nothing a9ain.(not a surprise for me huhh?)
I wanted to go watch 'eagle eye' at the cinema but after an unreasonable argument with my dad about whether the movie is suitable for us,I gave up that idea. damn.
this is one of the reasons why I say my life sucks at some point in my life.
I'm stuck at home just messing with the laptop,the tv and the Computer.
Not to mention.. Tons of Homework too.=S
suckish, I know.xp

Gotta go now. Havta 'concentrate' watching Dukes Of Hazzard if I don't want to die of boredom=]


.the beginning.

g: HEY!
I've wanted to write this in a while. but I was kinda lazy till today. ^^

haha.nothing more. Just the same old stories @ skul.
Except there was a PREFECTS' INVESTITURE today. hehehe

HAHA.the prefects were asked, me included to go to the hall after lunch. ( hehehehe, efficient way of skipping classes.) nothing new in class, just more. and more, and more tests coming right around the corner what JOY! it is...

aneeways, it's r's turn ^^

r: hey guyz. it's quite late right now at about 11.43 PM but I'm still typing. Woww! I'm surprised that I'm actually THIS dedicated to blogging. LOL
Just like what g said, we had our Prefects' Investiture today.
It's pretty boring to the other student (I'm actually sure about that),
but it's really an honorable thing for us prefects (i'm not saying this just because i'm a prefect)=]

Nothing interesting happened today (as usual).
It can be said that.. my life's boring.
When I read comics and look at the characters,
I actually envy them sometimes. Their lives seem to be full of fun and surprises, the exact opposite of mine.
I wonder, when is my life ever going to change?

oh yeah,
I had my theory lesson today.
It was awkward since there was a new 'student'.
Should I mention that she looks or maybe is so old, that she could even be mistaken for my grandma?
She was so thin that her bones seemed to be protruding out of her body.
urghhhh. I wouldn't wanna be like that when i grow old for sure.

enough typing for today,
my hands and wrists are getting sore already=P
I'm going to join my mom to watch 'heroes'.
Oh,how I love THAT series.

Sweet Dreams Everyone,

r n g