Senin, 26 Januari 2009

Chinese New Year n everything else..

HELL-OOO people of the world!!

it's been a while since i posted something here =]
it's either because i don't have the time or i'm simply too lazy.

first of all,lemme give a big HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all =)
hope that u'll get lotsnlots of hongbaoo :) well,i did

l just feel like making this entry colourful

well, just like what any chinese family does during chinese new year, my relatives n I gathered together to eat some GOOD food.hahahaha..from fried chicken to sharkfin shoup, you name it and it's grandma's a SUPERB cook.I'm lucky to have her as my grandma^^ lol

besides from FOOD,there's another reason why i loveeee CNY partayyss..
everyonen knows that it's the angpaus from our 'older' relatives lol
dontcha agree?? :P
that's why shopping centres like ITC gets so packed after CNY. now you know :)

oh yehh.
one more GOOD reason.
i get to meet my cousins =]
it's a good thing for me coz i don't see them except during these occassions.hihihi~
awww,i'm so

i guess that's all for today's entry,
i'd probably post something else in a few weeks..maybe months..
add my fb for everyone who sees this